Do you need to hire Android Developers in Bucharest, Romania?

On-Demand Android Development Expertise

Welcome to Codertal, your premier source for hiring skilled Android developers in Bucharest, Romania. Whether you need to augment your existing team or bring in specialized expertise for your project, Codertal offers a seamless solution to meet your Android development needs.

Why Choose Codertal?

  • Top Talent: Our developers are highly vetted professionals with extensive experience in Android development.
  • Flexibility: Hire developers on-demand, tailored to your project requirements, whether it’s short-term or long-term.
  • Cost-Effective: Competitive daily rates ensure you get the best value for your investment.
  • Local Expertise: Based in Bucharest, our developers are familiar with the local market and industry standards.

Android Development in Bucharest

Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is quickly becoming a hub for technology and innovation. Known for its vibrant tech community and a growing number of startups, the city offers a rich pool of talented software developers.

  • Thriving Tech Scene: Bucharest hosts numerous tech events, hackathons, and conferences, fostering a dynamic environment for software development.
  • Highly Skilled Workforce: Romania boasts one of the highest numbers of IT graduates in Europe, with Bucharest being home to top technical universities.
  • Cost Efficiency: Compared to Western Europe and North America, hiring developers in Bucharest offers significant cost savings without compromising on quality.
  • Strategic Location: Bucharest’s geographical position makes it an ideal location for businesses looking to bridge Eastern and Western markets.

Our Services

Codertal provides a range of services to meet your Android development needs, including:

  • Custom Android App Development: Tailored solutions to bring your app idea to life.
  • UI/UX Design: Creating intuitive and engaging user experiences.
  • API Integration: Seamless integration with third-party services and APIs.
  • App Maintenance and Support: Ongoing support to ensure your app remains up-to-date and functional.
  • Code Review and Optimization: Enhancing the performance and quality of your existing codebase.

Developer Profiles

Meet some of our top Android developers available for hire:

1. Sebastian

  • Experience: 10 years in Android development
  • Seniority: Senior Android Developer
  • Daily Rate: €450

2. Mihai

  • Experience: 4 years in Android development
  • Seniority: Mid Android Developer
  • Daily Rate: €350

3. Bogdan

  • Experience: 2 years in Android development
  • Seniority: Junior Android Developer
  • Daily Rate: €200

How It Works

  1. Get in Touch: Contact us with your project requirements.
  2. Select Developers: We provide you with a list of suitable candidates.
  3. Interview and Hire: Conduct interviews and select the best fit for your team.
  4. Start Your Project: Begin your development journey with our expert developers.

Contact us if you need to hire Android developers in Bucharest, Romania


Phone / WhatsApp: + 40 743 356 738


City: Bucharest, Romania

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